Friday, June 1, 2018

Sumit Mittal CMD, Triveni Infrastructure Development Company

Triveni Infrastructure Development Company

Mr. Sumit Mittal
A career spanning decades of struggle, hardships and toil, coupled with the sweet taste of success achieved through a determined and concerted effort to create a distinct niche and a vision to grow and prosper, is how one can best describe the meteoric ascent of Sumit Mittal, currently the Chairman cum Managing Director of Triveni Infrastructure Development Company.

What started as a very small organization, catering to contractual construction of larger infrastructure projects, has now grown multifold, to become a Rs. 3,000 crores conglomerate with business interests in media, automobiles, financial solutions and infrastructure development. All this has been possible at TIDCO due to the focused vision of its Chairman. Elaborating on his business expansion module, Mr. Mittal states, “Besides just constructions, we are also into other businesses related to automobiles, finances and coming up media projects which makes us more versatile and strong. Our exposure in different arenas and various sectors makes us competent for the future.”

Mr. Sumit Mittal had a humble beginning. He started his career in the real estate industry in Agra over two decades ago, and by the time the industry showed a positive ascent, he planned to promote his own company along with is brother Madhur Mittal. Talking about his experience gained in the industry, Mr. Sumit Mittal says, “we have gained intricate expertise and experience in this field through our first hand exposure to the industry. We have seen the boom, as well as the bust and hence, know how to deal with any erratic situation.”

Today, at the helm of one of the upcoming infrastructure development companies North India, Mr. Sumit Mittal resonates in all humility and makes a light air of his achievements. “Things have simply fallen into place, the way I have always desired,” he quips, as he shares how the company has growth over the years.

TIDCO is the youngest baby of the Triveni Group. It works towards creating quality structures, corporate towers and integrated residential townships. Currently they are working on one such township in Faridabad – the Triveni Galaxy, Triveni Signature at Faridabad, Triveni Heights at Ghaziabad and subsequent luxury villas at Vrindavan – Triveni Krishna Vatika.

“My vision of Triveni,” adds Mr. Mittal, “is to create structures that are not just made of bricks and mortar, but offers an aesthetic value to the owner of that property. It should have the best of designs, offer the fines of comfort and convenience and have arrangements for all necessary amenities, which crates an immense level of satisfaction in the minds of the customers.”

While choosing the sites for construction, he makes sure that there are enough space for all necessary amenities like car parking, shopping malls, affiliated schools, clubs etc. He believes in making homes for people and not mere houses. On this Mr. Mittal says, “We are not like the conservative Real Estate promoters, the lalas, who after investing a particular sum of money, quickly finds out the return on investment. That should not be the business growth plan. In this highly competive segment, one needs to give to the people what they desire, instead of thrusting onto them what you want to give them.”

According to Mr. Mittal, “There is no definition for quality in this Industry, but with TIDCO, we have an opportunity to create a synergy between technology and quality. These are not mere promotional statements, but we have done it at Krishna Vatika at Vrindavan. Any one can take a look around there and give their honest feedback of the quality of construction and the technology involved for the same.”

As the Chairman of the Triveni Group, he is equally responsible for the growth of the other group companies, “We started off as a marginal dealer of automobiles. With time we won the confidence of bigger automobile players like Maruti Cars and Honda Scooters in the family consumer category and JCB Construction Machines in the industrial vehicle category. Today, we have the largest dealerships of all our brands in our zone.”

A family man to the core, Mr. Mittal enjoys the company of his dear and near ones, whenever away from his tight schedules. He does not falter to give full credit for his personal growth o his wife and children. “I have a special family. By god’s grace, my wife and children are very accommodating. I feel guilty for not being just to them by failing to give them my full attention,: laments Mr. Mittal. But whenever in town, he makes it a point to spend at least 2-3 days at a stretch with his children. A long drive towards the hills helps the entire family to catch up with one another.

At the professional end, he gives credit for the growth of Triveni to the unrelenting efforts put in by his brother and his business patner, Madhur Mittal. “Madhur has been the driving force of the organization. It has been Madhur who has pushed me to start off newer ventures again and again. He is the real entrepreneur” admits Sumit Mittal resolutely.

Mr. Mittal, like a veteran in the industry suggests, “I am really pleased with the recent interests shown by the present government to the real estate industry. I welcome FDI in real estate – this would help in regularizing the industry and do away with unauthorized constructions by small time construction companies. This would also allow bigger companies to consolidate and offer quality products as per international standards. The rule of the game should be to innovate or perish.”

He feels, “India has a lot of space, accessibility for home loans, increasing number of corporate offices and widening concept of nuclear families. All these factors push the demand for more properties – both residential and commercial.” He also feels that as soon as this sector is given the identity of an industry, it would help in creating many more employment, thereby sustaining the livelihood of millions of people in the country.

An astute entrepreneur that he is, Mr. Sumit Mittal feels that there are lost more to achieve in life. This is just the beginning. The biggest challenge would be to take Triveni in the international market and create a stir amongst established companies the world over. A long step to be taken though, but with the enthusiasm and fast paced growth of the industry, the vision sounds realistic and achievable. As Mr. Mittal prepares to start another day in office, he chants, “Miles to go before I sleep… Miles to go before I sleep…”

For further information, please contact


  1. whatever is posted here is not more than a lie, he is thief of not only his thousands of customers hard earned money but also not paid government dues for several years. Already convicted by court and out on bail for 2 billion USD fraud. Also stopped at airport to fly out of country by agencies. I think it should be your moral duty to check the facts before publishing such nonsense stories to mislead other innocent public.

  2. Sumit Mittal has robbed me of 39 lakhs. Beware of this person and his TIDCO. They promised me a home by 2010 and I have received nothing. Thousands of honest hard working people have been duped by this company. I am a doctor and have served India with dedication. All my retirement savings have been siphoned away by the Sumit Mittal - Madhur Mittal duo and their fraudulent schemes. Beware

  3. Hats off for the shamelessness of the writer of this blog. No good word has been left in appreciation of Madhur Mittal who is a murderer of thousands of innocent dreams of innocent people who put their life's earnings on the stake in Triveni projects.. People are waiting for justice since last 12 years and these shameless Mittal brothers are playing with judiciary system by our hard earned money... Alas..

  4. Mittal Brothers are the biggest fraud in the history of real estate in India. Who is the writer of this fraud blog .

  5. He is a rogue of the first order . He launched two projects in sec 78 and sec 89 in Faridabad in 2006/07. He took practically a large part of the money . Till date he has not delivered . The case has gone to OL . Nothing is moving . There are thousands of home buyers whom he has cheated .

  6. He is a cheat, enjoying life with the fraud conducted with the money collected from gullible public, including that from the retired Armed Forces Personnel. Now he is trying to project himself as a Messiah. Let him pay back the duped thousands of the Crores he has looted. The duped persons will curse him till he toys in Hell. I hope his family, incuding his children, learn that their Father is actually a big Dacoit. He must be deceiving his family also.

    Do you realise that you are assisting a criminal? He has fraud cases against himself and has been wriggling out by bribing people at all levels, using the money collected by fraudulent means.
    If you want yourself to be respected, leave him or expose him. He deserves public lashing

  8. Have u taken the money for publishing this article. Mittal family is a looter. They have looted hard earn money of home buyers and swept away. Don't publish misleading articles for sake of TRP. They are CHORS. They have made n spoiled so many lives including mine and my family. We are suffering because of him.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
